
Sean Leon Biography

picture of Sean Leon wearing shirt

Sean Leon Biography, Net Worth, Songs, Albums, Career, Wife, Girlfriend, Kids, and Wikipedia

Toronto, Ontario-born rapper, singer, and record producer Sean Leon. The IXXI Initiative and he established in Toronto in 2012. Together with record company mates Jordan Evans and Matthew Burnett, the group helped launch the career of one Daniel Caesar. His early concept-driven mixtapes, such as 2013’s Ninelevenne, the Tragedy, and 2014’s Narcissus, The Drowning of Ego, are largely responsible for his rise to fame. Apart from teaming up with the likes of Caesar and Kanye West, he has also steadily built up his solo output, producing LPs like I Think You’ve Gone Mad (Or the Sins of the Father) (2017), God’s Algorithm (2021), and Herd Immunity (2022).

Sean Leon’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Sean Leon’s Website

You can stream Sean Leon’s songs on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, and Deezer.

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Name” answer-0=”Matthew Sean Leon” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Stage name” answer-1=”Sean Leon” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”A.K.A” answer-2=”Maui Slim” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Date of birth” answer-3=”January 30, 1991″ image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”Place of birth” answer-4=”Toronto, Ontario, Canada” image-4=”” headline-5=”h2″ question-5=”Occupation” answer-5=”Rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer” image-5=”” headline-6=”h2″ question-6=”Genres” answer-6=”Hip hop, punk rock” image-6=”” headline-7=”h2″ question-7=”Record Labels” answer-7=”IXXI Initiative” image-7=”” headline-8=”h2″ question-8=”Albums and mixtapes” answer-8=”Ninelevenne, the Tragedy (2013), Narcissus, The Drowning of Ego (2014), King of the Wild Things (2014), I Think You’ve Gone Mad (Or the Sins of the Father) (2017), C.C.W.M.T.T. (2017), Sean Leon (The Death Of) (2018), God’s Algorithm (2021), King & Sufferin (2022), HERD IMMUNITY (2022).” image-8=”” headline-9=”h2″ question-9=”Nationality” answer-9=”Canadian” image-9=”” count=”10″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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Video credit: Sean Leon

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